Abusive relationships are an all too common occurrence. This type of trauma can have many negative effects on a person, leaving physical and emotional damage behind. To shed light on this issue, October has been designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. At Trimnal & Myers Attorneys, we know this is a sensitive subject. Our domestic abuse lawyers want to raise awareness by covering some of the facts on domestic abuse.
What is domestic abuse?
Domestic Violence Awareness Month is observed in order to educate people on the many forms abuse can take. South Carolina law defines domestic abuse as any threat of physical harm, actual physical abuse (including bodily injury and assault), psychological abuse, or sexual criminal offenses within a family or household.
Who’s most at risk?
There isn’t one specific gender, race, age, or other demographic group that’s more at risk for domestic abuse. Anyone can become a victim. Anyone can find themselves in a relationship that includes violence and pain. Unfortunately, you may not realize that a family member or friend is struggling with abuse. At the same time, many people don’t realize they’re actually in an abusive relationship themselves.
What should I do if I’m in an abusive relationship?
Anyone who’s in an abusive situation should work with the police and a family lawyer to get the help they need.
If you need to speak with a domestic abuse attorney in Indian Land, Fort Mill, or Lancaster, call Trimnal & Myers Attorneys. Our lawyers and staff will give you compassionate, confidential counsel for your situation.